Better is designed to handle registration and case management of both operational cases from operations and from their management system, Manage. In other words - all types of improvements are handled here.
CASE: a reported case can be an actual incident, an observation, a proposal for improvement, a positive feedback ++ (manage analysis & implementation of improvement)
ACTION: a concretely assigned task to achieve an improvement. Most often "children" of a case.
VERIFICATION: a task created to see if measures had the desired effect, resolved the incident or if more measures are needed
Case types
There are four different case types in Better represented by the four reporting buttons at the top of the Better page, each represented by a number in the forms.
Incident - reports that something has happened, often an anomaly.
Observation - something that almost happened or identifies a weakness.
Improvement - report something that could be better, possible changes.
Positive feedback - report positive feedback from customers, internally, suppliers etc.
Different statuses for cases that have been reported
The following illustration shows the flow of Better case management: