Whenever a person changes positions or leaves the organization, others will take over their responsibilities. QM365 has a function to transfer responsibility from one person to one or more other people. This tool is hidden so that only people with administrator access can find it.
Change the link in your browser and add this line after the /Mange/ line "SitePages/TransferResponsibilities.aspx".
It will look like this ..../Manage/SitePages/TransferResponsibilities.aspx
Press Enter and the following menu will appear on the screen:
Enter the first person's ID or name on the first line.
Do the same for the person who will take over the responsibility.
Click on "Check responsibilities" and a list of all data items associated with that person will appear.
Tick the data to be transferred as shown below.
NB! Note the following
Better cases that have been closed will not change Responsible, as this is historical data
Users removed from the system can still be found and modified using the feature.