The competence function consists of several lists and functions. Built up in the right order, these enable you to work effectively with competence planning, and ensure that the organization has the right competence. It will also be easy to document the current status and future changes to be made. The function is structured as this illustration shows, as well as an additional function, "Competence matrix" for GAP analysis of departments' competence:The lists with a red background Anyone with the functions and report button in the left menu has access to competencies and position/roles.
Personnel assessment and Competence matrix have their own access control management depending on the setting. In addition, everyone who is in the user group has "Competence Administrator" user group has access. This is to ensure that only those who need to see each individual employee's competence have access to this information (Managers and HR).
In addition, the system provides a competence planner, called "Competence matrix", where the user group "Competence Administrator" can select a department and see what competence is available, register the needs and see the gaps that need to be filled. This planning tool uses the data in the skills register and provides a good overview and planning functionality.
| Roles
PA - Personal Asessment
| Competence Matrix