If the case manager assigns the case to another person, this person will receive a notification. The case manager receives a notification when a case is overdue and then every 14 days until it is closed. When a case is overdue by 30 days, a message is sent to the person registered in the "Escalation" field in the organization list for the selected organization. The notifications can be changed.
Encrypted field to secure personal and other sensitive data
Sensitive and/or personal data must be hidden from ordinary users. Therefore, the "Description" field is encrypted in status 1. When the case manager sees sensitive and/or personal information, this information must be moved to "Sensitive information" under the "Description" field. From status 2-6, "Sensitive information" is encrypted, and "Description is not. Only Case Manager, Deputy, Escalator, Author and Better administrators can read the encrypted fields.
Rights in Better
All users can read the contents of all cases except the encrypted fields.
Case manager and deputy have the same rights and can edit current cases.
Better administrators can edit all fields in all cases and measures.
Settings and customization
Some customers see the need for changes in Better. However, we recommend testing the system as it is with a focus group before ordering changes. See the article on Settings and switches in Better for more information. Adaptations will result in more complicated and expensive upgrades, but will still be absolutely necessary for some customers.
Better videos
An overview / review of Better https://youtu.be/HbJ0JypbjuI
The home page https://youtu.be/06yEfGjwktk
Case types https://youtu.be/9ZP1OiVQWic
Notifications https://youtu.be/OyBuYMtnRrY
Case Status Numbers https://youtu.be/HkpUDIzF5vA
List views https://youtu.be/MrI8CGvn9tI
Better Search Button https://youtu.be/HqwR1_T9tmA
User Rights and Roles in a Case https://youtu.be/s2TupEt-YDs