NB! For each new outcome of a risk, a NEW evaluation must therefore be made. The outcome is tagged during evaluation under the heading "Connection". The outcome must then be unique compared to other outcomes. For each outcome, only RE evaluation shall be carried out later without making any changes to the Connection fields. So - if you are to make an evaluation of an outcome that has already been evaluated, you must RE evaluate this risk (not a NEW evaluation) as this picture illustrates:
A NEW evaluation uses the plus icon and RE evaluation uses the "repeat" icon. When doing RE evaluations, you will build up a history of this outcome for probability and consequence and be able to see graphs of the development of the risk outcome. In addition, you will be able to see all measures that have been implemented over time and what effect these have had.
If this evaluation concerns an environmental aspect (not environmental risk), this is selected. If the risk is ticked, the evaluation will automatically inherit the selection.
This means that these can be separated in the Analysis tool.
Remember then that Probability then has the meaning "Amount".
Residual risk
When you have achieved the desired risk picture, you choose to accept residual risk. The system will then show the relevant risk axis in all overviews as green, else it will it be red, which clearly communicates to the end user that this risk/possibility must be worked on further. If in the evaluation you check that residual risk is accepted, you must fill in a comment and explain.
Overview of the evaluations
Use the Home page in the risk module to quickly view my or my unit's risk/ratings.
In the process map, the assessments will be made visible.
Analysis Dashboard provides an overview of the entire organisation's risk assessments, you can view/filter all the organisation's risk assessments per:
Company, department, process, type, group.
A given snapshot at the desired time.
Can filter and display only project risks.
Click on the number in a matrix to display details of the risks in the table to the right.
Switch to ID to find your risk assessment more easily.
Graph of the risk assessments over time - see if the risk picture has changed over time, see the impact of implemented measures.
Grouping – and visibility in process maps
Videos explaining risk-evaluations:
Evaluate and re-evaluate risks: https://youtu.be/q74WNRhfo7E
Re-evaluation from Analysis dashboard: https://youtu.be/FLSyByz5mgo
Risk evaluation Environmental aspect: https://youtu.be/JzALJVGE5tw