Release date: 2024-05-15*

New functions

DEV-1343 Templates handling in Activities

DEV-1344 Header and footer setting for PD and Activities

DEV-1345 Copy paste pictures in PD and Activity

Deactivate headers for PD’s and Activities in PM


DEV-1027 Preview of documents in Word online shows older/mixed versions solution

  1. add a setting that converts documents automatically to PDF

  2. open documents in the Word App

  3. pubish documents as PDF from Doc Workspace

DEV-1212 Limit access to menues, buttons, Better reporting buttons and Better report buttons


DEV-1126 Lacking functionality when creating rights limited risk groups (RLRG)

DEV-1205 Closed SJA shows as Overdue

* Please note that the releaste date is the date we start to roll out the new version to our customers. Depending on the complexity of the version rolling out a new version may take a few days to several weeks