Process responsibilities

There are different ways to show in the drawings who is responsible for the various tasks (processes). Here are three possibilities:

Mark boxes with responsibility

Sometimes it can be informative to show who owns each process (person or role) in a drawing. You can then enter the name/role in the process name. If the role titles/names are too long, use abbreviations and add an explanation box. As in this example:

Swimming lanes

Swimming lanes clearly show a role/responsibility per line/lane. Such maps should be very good and clear. But if there are too many tasks, they become too complex. Then it is better to use the method described above.


QM365 has a list called "Responsibilities" (Functions and Reports > Process/Documentation > Responsibilities). Here you can create and add roles for various areas of responsibility that can be tagged to processes and activities. The role register must of course contain all relevant roles before working with this. The marked processes will show the relevant roles for each responsibility in the resource view.

The responsibility matrix is ​​used to define responsibility roles in processes and activities and represents four different people/roles:

  • A - Accountable

  • R - Responsible

  • C - Consulted

  • I - Informed

These make it easy to communicate who has which responsibilities for various tasks at both process and activity level.

Process responsibility

Responsibilities are added from the left menu (Functions and reports > Process/Documentation > Responsibilities). First select which process(es) apply, then organization. Roles are then selected for each category.

In the resource view, the RACI matrix will look like this:


When you edit an activity, you will be able to tag relevant responsibilities in the RACI matrix in the tab next to it.

It will look like this in the resource view