Risk settings
Standard Risk consequence types
Quality: The areas in your processes that are critical to achieving quality - such as critical parts of the production process, customer care, etc.
HSE risk aspect: The risks in the day-to-day operations of your business that can affect health, the working environment and safety - such as the risk of cuts, falls, sickness absence, employee satisfaction etc.
Environment: Those aspects of the daily operation of your business that can affect the external environment - such as emissions to air, soil, waste, consumption of resources, energy etc.
Emergencies/preparedness: Catastrophic events with major knock-on effects.
Information security: Risks associated with access to information.
Privacy: Risk associated with lost personal data.
When installed the scales for each axis is 1-5 and have standard explanations and colours.
It is possible to change the following:
Number and which consequence axes you want - for example, many also want Economy and Reputation.
For each consequence axis, you can have a different scale (1-3, 1-4, 1-5).
The explanations for each consequence axis can be different.
Color scale can also be different for each consequence axis.
Scale for probability can also be set for each axis of consequence - which means that you can 3x3, 4x4, 3x5 or any combination you want.
Contact us for assistance in defining and setting it up as you wish, or use the tool for the setup yourself:
Risk matrix builder
You can find this in the menu "Administrator" > Setting/tools > Risk matrix builder
If you are a little unsure about building the matrices correctly yourself, contact us via a support ticket and we will help you as soon as possible.
Here is defined:
the name of the consequence axis.
whether it is a threat or an opportunity.
number of rows and columns in the matrix.
color scale.
title of the matrices.
ethics titles.
colours, values and description in different languages of the levels of the choices.
mirror image of x axis or not.