Added Actions - child view to All Case-views in Better workspace
Added "Involved in" tab and moved Deputy and Escalation cases there
Added closed Deputy and Escalation cases to "Closed" tab
Aligned terminology across Menu and Better workspace
DEV-1079 Change log, Detailed requirement now has
New Change log on Detailed requirements.
The logged changes are also avilable to read on the requirement group - listup in view mode (display form) - list up of tagged requirements and is very useful for checking changes before performing Compliance assessments. Requires of course that changes in detailed requirements are logged and updated on a regular basis.
Contract module
DEV-1080 Several contract improvements
New fields/functionality added to the Contract card in the Contracts module to handle more types of documents such as subscriptions and options to tag Assets as well as Purposes. New fields are:
Change log: Logging of changes - these data are registered in a separate tab
Renewal \(No set expiry date, Final date , Subscription
Type \(Ansettelsesavtale, Leieavtale, Kjøpskontrakt, Partneravtale, Konsulentavtale, Lisensavtale, Annet \(denne kan utvides/endres etter kundens ønsker\)\)
Added tagging of Assets
Added tagging of Purpose
Signed date
Expiry date
Subscription Renewal frequency
Annual value
Initial value
Payment terms
DEV-1081 Add multiple contracts/documents to Supplier, Customer, Object, Assets, Purpose
New contracts can now be added to Supplier, Customer, Object, Asset and Purpose - by Drag/Drop. Category should be added afterwards. A new setting has been added also so that the different lists that may have contracts (Suppliers, Customers etc) have different folders contracts are stored. This also enables you to define rights settings on these folders to limit access. This is important for certain contract types.
DEV-1275 Actions on Contracts