Modules with improvements and new functions this time is: Document Workspace, PM, Better, Compliance and the Contract module. Enjoy the read:
Attachements Drag-Drop
All List forms now has a Drag-Drop functionality for Attachments. You can in New and Edit-forms drag 1 file/picture at a time onto the attachment section.
Document Workspace
DEV-1346 Document overview
Release Notes
In the menu Functions & reports > Process/Documentation, the Documentataion status menu now contains reports from both “Document workspace” and “Published” documents with free text search.
DEV-1441 Preview of Document Workspace templates
It is now possible to preview templates in Document Workspace when you click “Add new document”. This enables the user to check if its the correct document before using it. The document will be displayed in PDF format.
Process Module
DEV-201 PM: Link for Process always
The link icon now shows for the process also when the drawing/process map is connected to a process. Before this link only appeared when a box within the process map was connected to a process.
DEV-1045 New Process tree function
Release Notes
Process module: New tool to show the whole process tree and where in the Process tree the process page is tagged. It can be found on the Gears-icon in PM Edit mode and in the menu: Functions and reports > Process/Documentation in the menu Process tree. Click the button and you’ll see all the info on the process item.
DEV-1105 Show Process resources Icon on top of the process map when its connected to a process
Release Notes
New icon on top of the Process map \(On the button-row\) - to switch to view the Page's resources instead of the selected Tiles resources
DEV-1109 Registering new processes: required to select the process type/parent process
Release Notes
Process module: When creating a new / editing a process, it is required to choose either Process type or a parent process. So, “orphan” process can no longer be created.
DEV-1110 Unable to delete a process that has "children"
Release Notes
Process: No longer possible to delete or deactivate a process that has active Sub-processes. Now the sub processes must be deleted first. This hinders the “creation” of “orphan” processes.
DEV-1113 Deactivated process need edit function in PM so thats its possible to easily reactivate its deactiaved process.
Release Notes
Process module: It is now easier to Re-activate a process that was de-activated by clicking the pencil icon:
DEV-1120 Helptext on Next revision field in PD:
Release Notes
New helptext on Next revision field in process description:
DEV-1123 Select / unselect Activity and Page from a box
Release Notes
Process module: Edit process boxes: Fixed bug that made it impossible to Un-select an activity after selecting, only to select another.
Added same functionality to deselection of pages
DEV-1225 When duplicating a box, omit connections
Release Notes
Process module: Whan copying Process “tiles” - the “action link” is no longer copied.
DEV-1338 Not possible to print PD/Activity in Landscape
Release Notes
Process description and Activities: It is now possible to Print the PD and Activity in Landscape format
DEV-1362 New print functionality for PM
Release Notes
Process module: New Print functionality for printing Process Pages with resources - "Snapshot-based", you navigate the pages you want to include and adds them to the printout with the Camera button.
DEV-987 Remove Closed cases from Reported and Involved In tabs and show only in Archive/closed tab
Menu: Closed cases is now remowed from the "Involved in" Tab and moved to own heading sin the "Closed" tab under "My page/My tasks"
DEV-1213 Sort the cases in menu with Newest first.
Release Notes
Added Settings to control the sorting direction of Better items \(Case, action, Verification\) in the My page > Tasks menues.
Added Settings to control the sorting direction of Better items \(Case, action, Verification\) in Better workspace
DEV-1243 Add Action column on all tabs in Better Workspace
Release Notes
Added Actions - child view to All Case-views in Better workspace
Added "Involved in" tab and moved Deputy and Escalation cases there
Added closed Deputy and Escalation cases to "Closed" tab
Aligned terminology across Menu and Better workspace
DEV-1079 Change log, Detailed requirement
Release Notes
New Change log on Detailed requirements.
The logged changes are avilable to read on the requirement group - listup of tagged requirements and is very useful for checking changes before performing Compliance assessments. Requires of course that changes in detailed requirements are logged and updated on a regular basis.
Contract module
DEV-1080 Several contract improvements
Release Notes
New fields/functionality added to the Contract card in the Contracts module to handle more types of documents such as subscriptions and options to tag Assets as well as Purposes. New fields are:
Change log: Logging of changes - these data are registered in a separate tab
Renewal \(No set expiry date, Final date , Subscription
Type \(Ansettelsesavtale, Leieavtale, Kjøpskontrakt, Partneravtale, Konsulentavtale, Lisensavtale, Annet \(denne kan utvides/endres etter kundens ønsker\)\)
Added tagging of Assets
Added tagging of Purpose
Signed date
Expiry date
Subscription Renewal frequency
Annual value
Initial value
Payment terms
DEV-1081 Add multiple contracts/documents to Supplier, Customer, Object, Assets, Purpose
Release Notes
New contracts can now be added to Supplier, Customer, Object, Asset and Purpose - by Drag/Drop.
DEV-1275 Actions on Contracts
Release Notes
It is now possible to create and handle Actions from Contract cards in the Contract module