

Before you start with process mapping or deviation- and improvement management, you should set up an overview of the current organization in the organization list. See below for tips on how to build your organizational list.

What is the purpose of the organization list?

You will find the organization list in the left menu under Administration. This list will organize your business into levels. There can be infinite levels in the organization list, and it helps you document organizational affiliation throughout the system. You can then mark most of the elements in the rest of the system to a specific element in the organization list. See instructions below for how to add items to the organization list.

Use for…

The organization list primarily documents organizational affiliation. When you add a new item to any other list, you can always tag them with organization. For example: "where in the organization does this risk belong?" or "which part of the organization does this requirement belong to?"

In addition, you can use the organization list to define alternative versions of process maps. You can access the alternative maps through an organizational filter at the top of the process map. This is useful when you have a large organization and want end users to select a division before opening a process map drawing. There are several other ways to represent this in a process drawing, such as making boxes or using swimming lanes to represent each department/division. See videos below on how to use the organization list for more information. Ultimately, choose the method that will be easiest for end users to understand and use.

Every time you mark an item for the organization list, you can also use the filter to perform the Management's review, located in the System calendar list. If you do not mark an item to the organization list, it will not be available for review (the Check part of the PDCA circle - Plan, Do, Check, Act).


Add or edit items in the organization-list

Orglist register new SIMPLI20

Remove or archive items in the organization-list

Orglist remove and archive SIMPLI20



The organization list's primary function is to identify the correct case manager and document organizational affiliation. When a person reports a new case, one of the mandatory fields is "organization". Each element in the organization list has fields for Case Manager, Substitute and Escalation. When the end user fills in a case report and selects a specific element in the organization list, the system finds the responsible Case Manager.



The organization list in Project serves the same purposes as in the rest of the system. If the data copied into a projectroom from a project type template is associated with an organization, that association will remain. If it is changed in the project room, this change will only be visible in the project room since project rooms are in reality closed quality management systems.


How to build the organizational list

Usually you go into the different departments and sub-division. You must enter each level. Start from the top and work your way down the organization. Some organizations need more or other dimensions. The most common is of "Function". Especially if you have several locations, the departmental focus may not be sufficient. It is therefore possible to register functions such as administration, marketing, sales, product development, etc. These can have sub-functions (or even geographical sub-levels). Be careful not to mix this up with the procedures or it can be confusing when you use them later


Access rights

All users can read from this list, but only Better administrators and process administrators can create new items and edit existing ones.

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