Create and administrate projects

Create and administrate projects

Different Project Types

The first thing you start with when you want to start working with Project is to define the different project types you will be working with.

You can have several different project types, but define them according to the resources needed.

Projects with similar resource requirements can be defined as one project type. Take the time to prepare some functional project types and record them in the list of project types.

The next step is to build data needed for projects in QM365. When some of these are relevant for a project type, tag them to this project type. We call the sum of all the resources marked on a specific project type a "Project type template". Later, the resources can be copied into a new project of this type.

Project types: https://youtu.be/vTGMYpviLYk

You can find the contents of each project type template by clicking on a project type (not edit mode, view only). Each resource will appear in each tab:

Predefined storage location for template documents

When creating a project room, it is possible to pre-define the path to where completed template documents (other than the local project archive) will be stored, such as a Teams channel, another SharePoint list, or a folder on a server. Enter the URL in the setup as shown below before creating a project space:


The folder template is defined in the Project Type element, either when you create or edit the element. Use bar character "|" to separate folders and levels. Here is an example:

Start page for process map

The process map start page for any project type is selected from the drop-down menu while editing a project type in QM365. This will be the top-level process map that users can access while working in the Project Room, provided no boxes are linked to any drawings/process maps at a higher level.

Risk templates

Risks can be tagged on project types when you edit a risk. See chapter on risks for details on how to create and edit risks. There are two approaches:

  1. Risk is already defined

If you have risks that are already defined and only need to be tagged on one or another project type: find the risk, edit it and tag the relevant project type and save

2. Risk is not defined

The other option is to create a new risk within a project type:

  • Click on the project type (don't edit - just view)

  • Select the Risk tab

  • Add new - create new risk. This new risk is pre-populated with the current project type, but of course you can add more.

Targets templates

Adding targets to project type templates can be done in two ways.

  1. When the target already exists

When the target already exists, edit the relevant target and mark the required project type(s) and save.

2. The target does not exist - needs a new target

If the target does not exist, create a new one from the target list and check Project type(s), or create a new from the Project type view:

  • Click on the project type (don't edit - just view)

  • Select the Target tab

  • Add new item - create new item. This new target is pre-populated with the current project type, but of course you can add more.


The requirements for projects are managed in the detailed list. Requirements for project type templates can be created in two ways.

  1. If the requirement already exists

When a requirement already exists, edit the relevant requirement, and mark the required project type(s) and save.

2. A new requirement is required

If the requirement does not exist, create a new one from the list of detailed requirements and check Project Type(s), or create a new requirement from the Project Type view:

  • Click on the project type (don't edit - just view)

  • Select the Requirements tab

  • Add new item - create new requirement. This new element is pre-populated with the current project type, but of course you can add more.

Documents and templates

Documents and templates are all types of documents that are tagged in the DD function on project type. After publishing, they will be available as part of the project type template when you copy data from the system to a project space.

Documents tagged and published on a project type will appear in the Project Type tab labeled "Documents/Templates":

Project tasks templates

Project tasks are the same type of data that is used for checklists in e.g. Outlook and can be found in the left menu under "Project".

When creating new and/or editing tasks, add relevant project type(s). Please note that adding data such as Start and Due date is irrelevant since this type of data is relevant for each individual project space. Data that must be filled in is Task name. Optional data that may be useful (but not required) are Description, Priority, Predecessors.

Project checkpoint template

Checkpoint templates are added/edited in the left menu under Project. Each checkpoint must belong to a checkpoint name - it is a category of checkpoints. Add a title and at least one project type. Optional additional data are:

  • Description - further detailed explanation of the checkpoint.

  • Index - will ensure correct order in lists of checkpoints. Note that the sorting is alphabetical, not numerical. 1 comes after 02.

  • Process - will cause the checkpoint to appear in the correct process in the Process Map. This will make the use of checkpoints much easier for end users.

  • Role - if there is a need for filtering on role in the process resource map.

Project document/ delivery plan checklist template

Checklist templates for document/delivery plan are added/edited in the left menu under Project. Each item must belong to a checklist name - that is, a category of checklist items. Add a title and at least one project type. Optional additional data are:

  • Instructions - further detailed explanation of the checklist

  • Sorting - will ensure correct order in lists of checkpoints. Note that the sorting is alphabetical, not numerical. So 1 comes after 02.

Create a new Project

To create a new project, two steps are involved:

  1. Create an item in the project list

  2. Create a project room in a project

To create a project, go to the list called Projects under Project. The default view shows all projects the logged-in user is either responsible for, or is a member of.

Create a project room

This is where you create an actual project room with all its features and resources. Edit the project and go to the "Project Room" tab and click the "Create New Project Room" button.

After creating a project room, you can copy the project type template with all the resources to your new project.

When you create a project room, you decide what types of access different users should have. When you create a new project room, you need to decide on two permission settings:

  • Inherit top link bar

  • Inherit permissions from Manage (top system)

Inherit top link bar

If you are inviting external users, set this to "No", but this option should be "Yes" if it is an internal project. This means that the top bar menu will provide links to the top menus and make it easier for colleagues to access the other modules.

Inherit permissions from Manage / top system

When "Inherit permissions from Manage" is set to "Yes", all users who have access rights to QM365 will have the same access to this project space. For internal project rooms, this is usually the most practical option. If you choose "No", you will get a project room that has its own rights management.

Helpful videos for explaining this in detail:

Create new project



Create new project room



Copy project type template



Tips to the project manager

As a project manager, there are certain functions that you especially need to know how to operate:

  • You need to know how to turn the different functions on/off in a project room. Make sure that only the functions that are in use are visible. Features that are not in use will only distract and confuse.

  • If a project room has separate access rights, you must be able to invite new and remove users from the project room.

In QM365 you need to know how to:

  • Create and edit projects in the "Projects" menu.

  • Creates multiple project rooms for a project and sets up the correct permission settings for each one.

  • Get an overview of the project status and the project roll-up functions.

  • Make sure project members learn how to use the tools set up in their project rooms.



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