Process naming
When building names for the elements in the process list, it may be a good idea to follow these rules:
Give the same name to the process as the name of the box - the system suggests the same name
At each level, you may want to number the names in the order in which they will appear in the process list
If there are more than 9 processes, add a leading 0, otherwise the sorting will be incorrect
Feel free to jump in the numbering to make room for possible more processes later
Use letters to mark splitters
Drawings and the processlist
It is very important that the drawings are represented as similarly as possible in the process list. In practice, this means that the hierarchy and order in the process list must be identical to the drawings. For example, if we start from this main process map:
At the top level, the process list will look like this:
M01 Financial Management
M02 Goals and Strategy
M03 Responsibility and Organisation
C01 Consider Strategy
C02a Enter into agreement
C02b Make offer
C03 Implement Project
S01 HR
S02 Sourcing
The processes have been given a number in front of the name - this is to ensure that they appear in the same order as on the process map - this makes it easier for users of the system later to tag processes.